Showing posts with label guest post. Show all posts

Why I Sew

Hey lovely readers! Today I am over Kids Clothes Week with my last contributor's post for this Spring 2015 season... I can't believe it is over!... It was so much fun! If you have followed me there too, a big thank you!

My post is about why I sew. I have three main reasons for sewing for my kids, and none of them is because I want to make them beautiful or cool clothes, or because I want to save money. Want to know why I sew? Head over here and read all about it! :) And please let me know why you sew too. I would love to know!

Happy sewing!

My Sewing Mistakes!

Hi! Today I am over Kids Clothes Week blog with the most humiliating post ever. :) I am sharing some of my sewing mistakes and you can read all about it here

Have you ever wondered if my sewing is perfect? It isn't. Just look at that photo above. It was more than one year ago and I think it was my first time sewing a peter pan color. Needless to say I never made that mistake again. :) Things are getting a lot better with time! Practice does makes perfection when it comes to sewing. Although there is one mistake I always make: sewing right side with wrong side when I should be sewing right sides together... :) 

Jump to KCW's blog to see the things I don't show on my blog posts. :) And while you're there have a look at the other's contributor's posts since they are also sharing their sewing mistakes.

 Do you relate to any of our mistakes? :) 

Happy sewing!

5 DIY Knit Headbands

Hi everyone! Today I am over Peek-a-Boo's blog with my monthly contributor's post. I am sharing quick ways to make five different knit headbands and head wraps! 

It's a perfect (and easy) sewing project to use up all those knit scraps being kept on a huge bin (I know I am not the only one on this, right?).

Kids Clothes Week - contributor's post II


Hi! Today I am over Kids Clothes Week blog with a curated post with some ideas on how to add cute animal ears to your kids wardrobe! Jump in here to see it!

Olá! Hoje estou no blog Kids Clothes Week a partilhar várias ideiasá.veis sobre como adicionar orelhas de animais nas roupas das vossas crianças! Os links que partilho são quase todos para moldes gratuitos ou tutoriais, mas também podem encontrar alguns moldes pagos que já vêm com as orelhinhas fofas. :) Dêem um salto até aqui para verem todas as muitas ideias!!

Happy sewing!

Kids Clothes Week - Contributor's post I

WILD THINGS in the forest

Hi! Today I am over Kids Clothes Week blog with my first contributor's post for this Spring 2015 edition of Kids Clothes week. (aka the most amazing kids sewing event :) ) 

The theme for this edition if "Wild Things"! So cool, right? 

I am sharing a curated post of ideas - patterns (both free and purchased), tutorials and fabrics - for making clothes for your kids inspired by woodland animals! Think bunnies, foxes, bears and deer. You can see them all here!

Olá! Hoje estou no blog Kids Clothes Week com a minha primeira contribuição enquanto colaboradora desta edição de Primavera 2015. 

O tema desta edição é "Seres Selvagens"! (um nome pomposo para dizer animais :) ) Super giro, não é?

Nesta publicação estou a partilhar uma série de ideias - moldes (tanto gratuitos como pagos), tutoriais e tecidos - para fazermos roupas inspiradas em animais da floresta! Pensem em coelhos, raposas, ursos e veados! Podem ver tudo aqui.

Happy sewing!

How to Gather Fabric - a tutorial

Hi! Today I am on Peek-a-Boo Pattern Shop's blog with my monthly contributor's post! This month I am sharing with you a tutorial on how to make gatherings - for a dress, skirt, top, you name it! :) - using EIGHT different methods! Check the whole tutorial here.

My favorite method is the three line gathering! What's yours? :) 

Olá! Hoje estou no blog da Peek-a-Boo Pattern Shop com o meu post mensal. Este mês montei um tutorial sobre como fazer franzidos usando OITO métodos diferentes! :) Os franzidos são uma técnica de costura básica e essencial. Soretudo para quem faz vestidos de menina, fofos, folhos, mangas franzidas, golinhas, etc. Podem ver o tutorial todo aqui!

O meu método preferido é o das 3 linhas, e o vosso? :) 

Handmade Holidays!

Hi guys! I am rather excited today since I am at Sew Mama Sew as a curator for the 8th Annual Handmade Holidays!

Every year Sew Mama Sew hosts the amazing Handmade Holiday - a daily series of curated posts with great suggestions of tutorials, recipes and printables that you can make, sew, bake, cook, print, cut and frame to give as Christmas handmade gifts! 

The theme I chose is "Star Light, Star Bright"! All the things from my curated list are related with Christmas stars and Christmas Lights. I had lots of fun putting this list together and I hope you enjoy it! 

You can enter an amazing giveaway! So head over Sew Mama Sew!

Edited: Here is the master list for this year's Handmade Holidays!

Tutorial - Envelope Pillow Covers

Hi! Today I am over Peek-a-Boo pattern shop sharing a tutorial on how to make envelope pillow cases to jazz up your decoration on a snap! 

It is a very simple and super quick project you can make all year around to change your home decor according to the season. It is an unexpensive project and it only takes about 10 to 15 minutes.

Since Fall just started yesterday, I am showing on the tutorial some ideas on how to embellish these envelope covers for a Fall decor. 
Go check it here!

Oh, and just in case you missed my previous contributor's post over there - a tutorial on how to make a roll-up reversible place mat, perfect for pic nics or for school lunches - it is here.  

Olá! Hoje estou novamente no blog Peek-a-Boo pattern shop a partilhar um tutorial sobre como fazer capas tipo envelope para almofadas de sofá. É um projecto ideal para mudar a decoração lá de casa num instante!

É um projecto super simples, rápido (apenas 10-15 minutos) e económico. Uma maneira óptima de redecorar sempre que nos apetecer, de acordo com as estações/épocas do ano, por exemplo.

E uma vez que o Outono começou ontem (ainda que hoje, por aqui, pareça Verão outra vez depois daqueles dias todos cheios de chuva...), no tutorial mostro como embelezar as capas para uma decoração com temas de Outono.
Vejam o tutorial aqui!

Ah, e caso tenham perdido o tutorial do mês passado - sobre como fazer um marcador de lugar reversível (e que se enrola para poder ser levado para o trabalho, escola ou pic-nic) -, podem encontrá-lo aqui.

Jam Jar Covers - a tutorial

Today I am guest posting at Mabey She Made It. I am sharing a tutorial on how to make these cute jam jar covers! Make sure to head over there to check the whole tutorial.

Repurposing old jeans - 40 plus ideas, tips and tutorials

This is my photo - it is half of my pile of old jeans... :)

Today I am guest posting over Serger Pepper and it's all about making the most out of old jeans!
I am sharing 40+ ideas and tutorials on repurposing, refashioning and upcycling those old jeans! Plus, tips on how to cut your denim jeans so you won't waist a single inch (zero waist!) and tips on how to work with denim!

I don't know about you, but I have a huge pile of old denim jeans waiting to be upcycled one day, when I have the time. The fact is: there are no excuses since there are lots of good ideas and some of them are quick projects!

Here is a photo of my kids with their outgrown and overworn jeans... Can you notice they are old and short? :)

Now head over Serger Pepper to check my full blog post!

Hoje sou convidada no blog Serger Pepper (da italiana Irene) e a minha publicação é sobre como aproveitar calças de ganga (ou camisas ou jaquetas) velhas ao máximo!

Podem encontrar mais de 40 ideias e tutoriais sobre como reciclar as vossas velhas gangas! E ainda, dicas sobre como cortar as calças velhas de modo a aproveitar o máximo (zero desperdício!) e sobre como trabalhar com ganga. 

Não sei quanto a vocês, mas cá em casa há uma pilha enorme de calças de ganga à espera de serem transformadas ou recicladas noutros projectos, um dia qualquer, quando tiver tempo... A verdade é: não há desculpas, pois há imensas ideias e algumas delas são de projectos bem rápidos de fazer!

Aqui está uma fotografia dos meus filhos com as suas calças de ganga gastas e já curtas... Conseguem notar? 

E agora, vá, vão lá ver a publicação na íntegra no Serger Pepper!